Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rabbit Without Ears 2 Preview Screening

I am so lucky to be one of the winner from Movie Giveaway to watch the Preview Screening of Rabbit without Ears 2 on Monday 10 January 2011 at GV VIVOCITY Hall 4. This is the first movie I watch in 2011.

--- Poster of Rabbit without Ears 2 (Zweiohrküken) ---

Rabbit Without Ears 2 is the sequel to “Rabbit Without Ears” (Keinohrhasen), the highest grossing German film since 2004, the film is directed and written by actor/director Til Schweiger (Inglorious Bastards & Lara Croft Tomb Raider). (A pity I did not watch.)

This is one of the funniest romantic comedy I have watch so far. My hubby and I laugh throughout the show. Really had a great time. I think my baby gal like it too cos she was moving so much inside me. :-)

I had the pleasure of watching the preview screening all thanks to The premiere date is on the 13/January 2011. Below is the link to the Movie Trailer. Enjoy watching.

Check out this great MSN video: Rabbit Without Ears 2 (Movie Trailer)